PrepWell Programs


Online Program

Step 1: Enroll Your Child Based on Their Current Grade
Step 2: Select a Plan (Pathway, Ivy, Military, Athlete)
Step 3: Watch and Learn Every Week

Why start in 9th and 10th grade?

Which Plan is best for my child?

1-on-1 Mentoring

PrepWellers who have been enrolled in our Online Program since freshman or sophomore year will be eligible for my 1-on-1 Mentoring program. This ensures that each student is well-versed in what it takes to be a competitive candidate. By the end of sophomore year, some highly-motivated students and their parents decide they would like to take their preparation to the next level. This is particularly true of students who aspire to attend the more selective colleges and programs and desire a higher level of personal attention and expertise. 

If spots are available, a select group of PrepWellers are welcomed into the 1-on-1 Mentorship program. During our work together, I augment the online lessons with 1:1 coaching where I teach the skills, strategies, and mindset to help each PrepWeller succeed. If you think your freshman or sophomore might want to be considered for the 1-on-1 Mentoring program down the road, enroll them in the Online Program today.
Learn More
The PrepWell Podcast with Phil Black is the ultimate series for parents of, or students in, the 9th & 10th grade who are looking to excel in all areas that play a major role in your college admissions process.

These days, it takes far more than just having good grades or being an outstanding athlete to stand out from the rest of the applicants to your dream schools. Phil has mastered the art of out-preparing, proven by his one-of-a-kind resume, and he's made it his mission to bring his superpower to those who are looking to excel above the rest.  

Stay up-to-date and stand out by listening to the PrepWell Podcast and out-preparing for college admissions.

Get Started With PrepWell Academy

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